Summary of the second ToK day: Core Knowledge and the knower.

We started the day with 3 presentations from students who talked about their summer ToK read. You could tell, that they already learned a lot about knowledge, just by reading these books.
Then the first input of the teacher focused on things like, «I know that vs. I know how» and «Personal knowledge vs shared knowledge».

The next thing we learned were the «ways of knowing or types of reasoning», e.g. the inductive reasoning (from the particular to the general) and its five subgroups.

In between we played different games that helped us understand everything much better.

The one I remember best was the moon landing game. We were given a list of items by Nasa and had to decide, (at first alone and later on in groups) which of these items had more value than the others, in the imaginary scenario of us being stranded on the moon. (see picture.)

After the lunchbreak we concluded, based on two experiments, that how the way we gain knowleged can be influenced by our culture/ language and that we generally assume knowledge based on not enough evidence. At the end we looked at the problems and traps in reasoning and how important it is to avoid bad reasoning.
Overall we gained a lot of new information about knowledge, which I also think is helpful for the following ToK days!

Viviana Caluori, 5i